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Yoni eggs LAPIS LAZULI on Cord
Yoni eggs LAPIS LAZULI on Cord Yoni eggs LAPIS LAZULI on Cord
Material: Cotton
Stone: Lapis Lazuli
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Online price: od 29,90€
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Legend has it that Yoni eggs have been in use since ancient times. They can help you get to know your body.
- Connect with your inner feminine energy
- Awaken the sensuality and the goddess within you.
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and affect tone, urinary incontinence and lead to more intense female orgasms.
- Increased libido Improving orgasms,
- Help with Tantric exercises,
- Quigong, Yoga, Chi strengthening.
There are three sizes of Yoni eggs. Exercises start with a medium or larger egg and progress to a small one. Perforated eggs have a cotton floss inserted that is best replaced with dental floss.

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